Review: The Ascendant Kingdoms Saga

I recently picked up a couple volumes of Gail Z. Martin’s Ascendant Kingdoms series, or as the cover has it, Saga. I was not previously familiar with the author, who apparently has written several other series as well.

The first two books, Ice Forged and Reign of Ash form a single story arc: I did not read the other two, despite completionist tendencies. Martin writes competent if uninspired fantasy, with no pretensions but fortunately also no affectation. The appeal of the books lies in their tight plot, good use of suspense to keep the pages turning, and clever twists on common fantasy conventions. Characterization even of the protagonists is however fairly weak: its hard to see them as much more than so many paper dolls with standard fantasy plot events hung on them. That plot is also perhaps overcomplicated, in that not enough effort is spent to really justify the resolution – sometimes even the origin – of each successive crisis.

The underpinning of the series’ system of magic probably would take more than even the remaining two volumes to explore. I don’t know (obviously) which of the various remaining threats or sequel hooks are addressed in those books – but Martin is clearly telling a story where we’re not supposed to get all the answers or background.

On the whole, a quick and entertaining read, without threatening or pretending to take up too much brain space.